
I'm not very good at this...

 This blog will not be a regularly scheduled occurrence I assure you. My mind is like a group of squirrels who have found crystal meth. Its sporadic,chaotic, and honestly no one knows how to wrangle it. I have a million and one things going on in my head at once, it is not a relaxing place to visit. Many people try to understand that I have about a thousand characters in my head at once, all of them screaming and yelling. Some are quiet, and some are yelling over one another, 'PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME' like that scene from SHREK when Donkey keeps jumping up and down. The quiet ones don't get their stories updated, which is fine. It allows me to work on other things even if their story is what I want to work on. The loud ones, that aren't quite yelling get a few chapters updated or a character design...but the screaming, yelling, insane squirrels are the ones that usually lead me to take a hiatus from writing all together. How am I supposed to focus when I can't sort ...

Let's Try Blogging Again...

 If you've followed my work then you must know that I've been writing far longer than I've been online. I want to thank you all for staying with me for so long. It has NOT been an easy journey. So for starters, HI... I've been away from what used to be my most favorite writing platform for almost FIVE years. And I honestly can't tell you all the reason. I didn't stop writing in that time, I just stopped going to Movellas...and for that I'm sorry. I am not a brilliant blogger. I hate writing about myself. Give me a fantasy land with murdering psychopaths any day.  But this isn't a fantasy world where I can control what happens. We live in the real world and we have no control over what happens. Maybe that's why I enjoy writing about the personification of Death so much, because at least in my stories...I can control who lives and dies. A little over a month ago now, I learned my mom passed away suddenly. We'd been estranged for about five years. S...